Silent Wake-Up Call

31 03 2010

“That’s when I realized I needed to make a change in my life.”

That’s the phrase that’s so often uttered after someone has an epiphany and before going on some life mission; whether they figure out they need to start eating better, or stop doing drugs or be a better parent.

I never had that moment…but I’m ready to change.  Let’s call it my silent wake-up call.

Who am I?  I’m 26 going on 27, live in Columbus, Ohio and work in marketing. I love to eat, love to cook, and drink (too much at times), and in general, am an overindulgent person.  I’m an introvert who can get lost in her own thoughts, and finds humor out of observing human behavior. I’m a horrible friend, not purposefully, but I’m too self absorbed in my own life to make an effort to care about others’.   All in all, I probably have more faults than saving graces, but I’ve accepted it.

Maybe “accepted” isn’t a good word to use – more like “realized”.  Because of this realization, my goal is to make small changes in my life beginning today so that on December 31st, 2010, the woman I see in the mirror on that day is a subtly more beautiful one, inside and out.

The other thing I forgot to mention…I’m a chronic procrastinator, which is why I’m writing this blog.  “Today’s the Day” is an ode to all the times I’ve woken up in the morning and said “Today’s the day I’m going to really speak my mind at work”, or “Today’s the day I’m going to make sure I finish that project”.  Well 9 times out of 10, that day never comes.

Not sure why I think starting a blog will hold me to those small promises I make to myself , but there’s something so permanent about writing something vs. just saying it that makes it so much more real.

So Today’s the Day things will begin to change…